This is the second DOCUMENTS volume (of three) for MAIN Volume V, as reissued, offset-printed from the original edition. Unlike the original COMPANION volumes, these DOCUMENTS volumes are numbered consecutively…
…of the newspapers. Acquired from the estate of Sir John Colville (1915-1987), Winston Churchill’s Private Secretary during the war, and after, right through Churchill’s second stint as Prime Minister. No…
A very good copy of the Second Printing of the First English edition, published in the same month as the First Printing but in green wrappers rather than orange. The…
This is a very good copy of the Second Printing of the First English edition in an unclipped dust jacket that is very lightly edge-chipped with fractional loss at the…
…In a second I had plunged, throwing out my arms to embrace the summit of the fir tree. The argument was correct; the data were absolutely wrong. It was three…
…are sharp. This is the Second State binding for the First English edition, per Cohen. The rear publisher’s catalogue is present, dated 3/98, and an Errata slip is present after…
First Army: 223 days of combat from July 2nd & second highest casualties of ETO armored divs. A very good copy, in a dust jacket that is very lightly chipped…
…copies. It is inscribed in ink on the second front free endpaper by Winston Churchill’s grandson, who contributed a brief, new introduction to this volume: “To Morelos, from Winston Churchill.”…
…variant, with Churchill’s name rendered as “W. Spencer Churchill.” absent the initial “L.” [for Leonard] that is usually present. (The “L” was dropped on all Second Edition covers.) The title…
This original cartoon from the British humor magazine Punch, dated February 19, 1930, is in very good condition. The caption reads: ”First Puff-Adder to the Second ditto. ‘Pooh! Puffed Up!.’…
…A few light pencil markings have been retained for their associative value; else fine. JOHN STRANGE SPENCER-CHURCHILL (always known as Jack) was the second son of Lord and Lady Randolph…
This is the Second Edition (First printing) of the Colonial Library issue, which was bound from “Silver Library” sheets for export to the colonies. Only 360 copies of this printing…