By a British M.P., Balkan Committee, at the front in the First Balkan War against the Turks, 1912-13. A prime source. A very good copy, discreet library stamp on front…
This is a very good copy, with the edges of the paperback cover worn and the rear hinge weak. The interior pages are lightly browned, a former owner’s stamp appears…
By the novelist and Red Cross stretcher bearer in the Balkan War, 1912-13. A very good copy, slight edge wear, in dust jacket with light wear to corners….
Based on the account books of John Appy, this work chronicles the life of one British functionary whose travels to America during the French Indian War provide a detailed picture…
Biography of Charles Mordaunt (1658-1735), ardent opponent of James II, supporter of William of Orange, commander of British forces in the War of the Spanish Succession. A good ex-library copy,…
A New York Naval reservist on an auxiliary cruiser in the Cuban blockade squadron. A classic Spanish-American War memoir. Reading copy, without dust jacket. (38 illus. [4 color], appendix.)…
First novel in Zweig’s war trilogy; followed by The Case of Sergeant Grischa and The Crowning of a King. Original German title: Erziehung vor Verdun. Roman (1935). Translated from the…
The feud between Lucan and Cardigan and the charge of the Light Brigade at Balaclava in the Crimean War; due to an ambiguous order, 488 out of 673 men were…
This biography of Florence Nightingale, which focuses on her service during the Crimean War, draws on various family papers not available to Sir Edward Cook when he composed her official…
Young Winston Churchill and his reputation-making Boer War escape of 1900; a story that has been told many times before, re-retold here by the celebrated author of DESTINY OF THE…