…the front face, worn and faded on the spine. The contents are fine with an ink gift inscription on the half-title, dated: “12.4.41.” The front free endpaper has been excised….
This very good later English edition set, in dust jackets, was the property of Winston Churchill’s nephew, John Churchill, whose name is hand-written in ink on the front free endpaper…
A very good copy, virtually mint, in the original dust jacket and publisher’s plasticine wrapper. The content are fine, with an ink gift inscription on the front free endpaper….
A very good set without dust jackets, in the original pictorial slipcase. There is a short ink gift inscription on the front free endpapers of both volumes. Else fine.
…American edition, without dust jacket. As-new, save for very faint creasing along the spine, three dots of foxing to the fore-edge. Discreetly ink-stamped: “Editorial Copy” on the rear free endpaper….
As-new, a virtually mint copy of the First American edition, in an unclipped dust jacket, signed and inscribed by the author in ink on the front free endpaper: “To Jacques…
This a very good copy, without dust jacket, of the rarely-seen First English “Times Book Club” Abridged One-Volume Edition, which is not mentioned in the Cohen bibliography. Aside from the…
…dust jacket, unclipped and intact, with creases and light edge-chipping across the upper edges but fresh overall. The contents are fine, with a vintage bookplate on the front free endpaper….
…the First French Edition of this lovelyvmuseum catalogue with the previous owner’s dated name and inscription on the front free endpaper. Laid-in is a slip from rare bookseller Pierre Berès….
A very good copy of the First American Edition in an unclipped dust jacket. The book has two price label shadows, one each on the front pastedown and front free…
…exceedingly handsome hardcover volumes with sewn bindings and ribbon markers, printed on premium acid-free lightweight opaque paper that exceeds the requirements for permanence set by the American National Standards Institute….
…handsome hardcover volumes with sewn bindings and ribbon markers, printed on a premium acid-free lightweight opaque paper that exceeds the requirements for permanence set by the American National Standards Institute….