-First American Paperback Edition-
First American Paperback Edition
Cornerstone Library [NY]
Biblio: (Cohen 242.4.a)(Woods A125c)
4to (32 pages, illustrated with 16 leaves of color plates)
Paperback [Black Pictorial wraps]
Item Number: 8708
Collector's Guide
Painting as a Pastime is Winston Churchill’s marvelous essay celebrating his favorite hobby. It first appeared in the Strand magazine over two issues in December 1921 and January 1922. It was then anthologized in Churchill’s 1932 book, Thoughts and Adventures, before being published on its own as this delightful little volume, which has since been endlessly re-issued in a variety of English and American editions.
This a virtually mint copy of the First American Paperback edition issued in 1961, photo-reproduced from the First American hardcover edition. The splashes of color in the cover lettering are a nice design touch. The contents are fine and appear unopened.
Rare thus.