"A Luncheon in the Great Hall of Surgeons of England in Honour of Sir Winston Churchill to Celebrate the Publication of the First Volume of his A HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH-SPEAKING PEOPLES"
Item Number: 211034
This gorgeously printed menu served as a program for the publishing party celebrating A HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH-SPEAKING PEOPLES – Volume One on St. George’s Day [April 23] 1956.
Churchill himself was present and spoke, as well as ceremonially laying the foundation stone for the new headquarters of his publisher Cassell at 7 Red Lion Square. Both Desmond and Newman Flower, Churchill’s longtime Cassell publishers and editors, also spoke, and Yorkshire Pudding was served, with “Crinoline Lady and Peaches” for dessert. The wines for each course were superb, and Hine cognac, Churchill’s favorite, was poured; a 1914 vintage.
The menu is in virtually mint condition, a single folded sheet of lush, beveled paper. There are a couple of food stains on the blank verso. If they could only talk, or at least be reconstituted.