-Facsimile Reprint-


First American Edition Thus ("Library" Binding)

By: Winston S. Churchill

Churchilliana Co. [Sacramento, CA]

Biblio: (Cohen 10.3.b) (Woods A6c)

8vo. (102 pages)

Hardcover [Reddish-brown cloth]

Item Number: 19481


Collector's Guide

Mr. Brodrick’s Army is the holy grail of Churchill book collecting. A 104-page softcover collection of six Parliamentary speeches delivered by the then-28-year-old MP opposing plans for the expansion of England’s peacetime army, Brodrick was published by Arthur L. Humphreys, General Manager of Hatchard’s, the renowned London bookshop that still stands at number 187 Piccadilly. Hatchard’s had a long history even then as a publisher of pamphlets, both political and otherwise. Humphreys and Hatchard’s would go on to issue Churchill’s 1905 speech compendium, For Free Trade, in an identical format to Brodrick, bound in unprepossessing printed red wraps that did not age well. The surviving handful of copies (fewer than 20 accounted for) today constitute the stuff of collectors’ dreams.


This 1977 facsimile reprint actually constituted the First American edition of this rare work. Here is a virtually mint copy, as issued in the so-called “Library” binding of reddish-brown cloth, unjacketed, with replicas of the original edition’s red card covers bound in.
A very handsome piece of work. A virtually mint copy.