-First English Edition Set in Fine Leather Binding by "Zaensdorf"-


First English Edition Set

By: Winston S. Churchill

Cassell and Co. [London]

Biblio: (Cohen A267.1[I-IV].a) (Woods A138a)

8vo (440 pages, 350 pages, 352 pages & 346 pages. Illustrated with maps and tables.)

Hardcover [Full Cognac--colored oasis leather]

Item Number: 204575


Collector's Guide

A History of the English-Speaking Peoples was Winston Churchill’s last great work; a sweeping, four-volume history of England, her colonies, and the language that Churchill so venerated and ennobled in his own writings. Published nearly twenty years after Churchill composed his first draft in the late-1930s, the books were released after the war simultaneously in Britain, the U.S., and Canada over a period of three years. The original English edition was handsomely printed, the American and Canadian editions less so. Subsequent re-issues and abridgments abound.


This First English edition set is a signed binding by the legendary London-based Joseph William Zaehnsdorf (author of THE ART OF BOOKBINDING), who also bound books for Winston Churchill.

The set is rebound in full cognac-colored oasis leather. The endpapers are marbled and elaborately gilt tooled, all edges are gilded, the spines are gilt-lettered in six compartments with raised bands. The contents are fine and unfoxed, the spines are modestly sunned. The books were very slightly trimmed for binding.

A historic piece of work.